David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center
for the Performing Arts in New York
Lighting design by Fisher Marantz Stone
The Euclid 40 Vector IP20 was developed for the refurbishment of the David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York, in collaboration with lighting designers Fisher Marantz Stone.
In order to successfully illuminate the acoustically optimized undulating beech wood paneling of the auditorium walls luminaires with a strongly asymmetric output were required.
The custom Euclid 40 Vector luminaires incorporate angled asymmetric lenses, anti glare louvres and a softening optical film to produce the optimal lit effect for the project.
Radiant self locking adjustable angle mounting brackets were included allowing vertical adjustment of individual luminaires.
Semi recessed and surface mounted versions of the luminaires were developed. All visible metal work was powder coated in a bespoke RAL powder coat, produced especially for the project, which matches the paint finish used for the project ensuring that the luminaires are as visually unobtrusive as possible.